My Photography Book

Friday, April 29, 2011

Reasons To Consider Cotton Envelopes For Home And Office Use

By Lori B Olson

Most stationary products come from paper that is made from wood. Although some of the paper is recycled, there are other things that should be considered. When you opt for alternative products like cotton envelopes, you can make a difference. Here are a few reasons to check into alternative sources for stationary needs.

Environmental Concerns

This fiber does not contain wood products, and when you eliminate wood in paper, you are using fewer trees. Areas like rain forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, and if something is not done soon, they will eventually be gone. Once they are gone, it may impossible to replace them.

As more forests disappear, it can affect the planet in several negative ways. There will be less oxygen available, as oxygen comes from plants that photosynthesize and take in carbon dioxide. The fewer plants there are, the more carbon dioxide will enter the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide can have a severe effect on global warming and world climates. In fact, they may help to hasten an entry into the next Ice Age.

When trees are used to manufacture paper, it takes away from supplies that can be used for other purposes. A lot of other industries rely on wood and wood products. A great deal of the economy is based on the building industry, which relies heavily on wood.


Many types of paper products contain acid, and this acid will eventually destroy the paper, over time. Cotton envelopes do not contain acid. You can use them for things that need to be archived. Many important papers or documents should be kept free from acidic type of papers. When properly stored documents will look good years from now.


Many people believe that there is an inexhaustible supply of wood on the planet, yet trees and forests are disappearing at a rapid rate. This can have huge environmental effects on the earth and its climate. Cotton envelopes provide an alternative to using paper made from trees. They also do not contain acid, which will attack and destroy paper, over time. This makes it perfect for important documents and for archiving.

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