My Photography Book

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

6 Simple Tricks For A Party Photo Booth

By Dave Vitty

At a party when there's a party photo booth the location is important, it needs to be visible. The entrance is a good location, as is near the refreshments. When it is in a visible place people will notice it and visit it. To get enough participation it should be set up somewhere it won't be missed.

There should be an attractive sign for the party photo booth. Having an attractive sign will draw attention as well as identify the purpose of the booth and whether there's a charge. It's more likely to be used if people know the details so they can decide if they are interested.

If there is going to be a charge for the booth it is wise to charge for the printing of the photo not for having the picture taken. If the charge is for the printing of the photo people will be more open to having their picture taken because they can then choose to buy it according to whether they like the picture or not. Depending on the event it might be fun to have an album printed up of all the pictures as well.

Make the photo booth attractive. When you set up the booth you want to have it stand out by being interesting or attractive in some way. For professional album photos a black backdrop may be good but at a party the booth should be festive is some way.

Have a theme to your booth. By having a theme that may be in someway associated with your even it will make the booth a more interesting and fun attraction at your party. A few examples are: at a birthday party everyone could wear hats and have noise makers, a baby shower people could hold a baby doll, or at a prom there could be a romantic theme.

Whoever is the photographer they should be fun, animated, enthusiastic and sociable. Excitement is catching, so if your photographer is excited those who are being photographed will also be excited about the activity.

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