My Photography Book

Friday, August 19, 2011

Figuring Out The Best Photo Printer For You

By John Alston

A professional photographer is always on the lookout for the best photo printer he can find in order to enjoy the best quality possible. Newer technologies made film cameras a thing of the past, because digital cameras, with their ever-growing features are taking a hold on the market and leaving film strip cameras in the antique shops.

If you look at the technical aspect of things, you will quickly figure out that digital pictures are nothing more than a combination of 0s and 1s and can therefore only be looked at on a computer screen. This is a common problem with digital pictures; it takes effort to develop them at excellent quality. There are, however, some good solutions in order to overcome this nuisance. If you are able to combine a top printer and fine printing paper, you will come out with quality that is very close to film.

In the search for a great printer for your favorite digital photos, there are a bunch of things to consider, ranging from the type of paper and resolution, all the way to the type of ink in the cartridges. Everything will make a difference and will make your picture either stand out or not in an album.

As a first step, take a look at the ink. Many printers operate on inkjet technology, which are dye-based and run out rather quickly. But do not be discouraged, because they quality they provide if used at the appropriate resolutions is remarkable. It is a good idea to shy away from pigment-ink cartridges and printers because they need constant use, or else the head of the cartridge will become clogged and useless.

Another point to consider is the reason you are looking for photo printers. These printers come in many shapes and sizes and they all have special uses. For example, if you travel frequently, you may want to consider a portable printer, in order to print the photos during your travels remotely without the need to wait until you come back home or even worse, worrying about carrying a heavy printer around in your luggage.

Whether you have just started out in photography, or you define yourself as a pro, or you use it at home, do keep an open eyes of the general specifications of all types of printers such as their resolution and dpi, which is dots per inch. In addition, do ask about the printer's peed and energy consumption. Also, ask about details on what kind of paper works well with it. See if you are looking for a glossing finish or a regular one.

Glossy paper is much better, but it lasts much less than regular paper. It is also a lot more cost than regular paper. If top quality is a concern for you, then you should look for the glossy type, but if that's not a big concern, then stick with regular paper, especially if you are printing it only for home use.

This kind will also provide a great quality and will be able to support large resolutions, up to 2,800 dpi.

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