My Photography Book

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Dummy's Basic Guide To Convert Slides To Digital Media

By Deann Page

Photos are one way to preserve memories and document specific moments. Since their invention decades ago, photos have continued to reign over the world as one of the leading ways of imitating real life moments. One of the many ways to view photos is through a slide viewer. Today, these have been replaced due to the existence of modern media viewing that prove to be more convenient. To convert slides to digital media so that pictures will be in safer hands.

A slide is basically a mounted transparent base that allows films to be inserted so that positive images of the film may be viewed. This is modern technology's way of providing practical and easy ways of image viewing. This device does not take any effort at all but the downside is that it doesn't allow edits and enhancements.

This is why digitized images hold better appeal for photography enthusiasts. The format allows them to zoom, enhance and edit the images in infinite ways. It could also allow for the mass production of images without the bother of having to print the produced copies. They may just be stored in the computer and viewed or edited later on.

With the continuous developments in modern technology, it is not so hard to imagine that slide viewing will be phased out in a few short years. Displaying and collecting of images will then be done digitally because these tend to be more reliable and can allow for editing, enhancing and long term storage of the pictures.

It is not difficult to foresee that digitizing of images is a much better way of storing, editing and viewing of any set of images. These allow images to be stored in cellphones, laptops, computers, iPads, iPods, etc. The method of viewing pictures through a slide has the possibility of becoming obsolete in just a few short years.

One should also learn to check scanners and printers in the home and find out if these have capacity to scan slideshows. Most would claim to be able to scan them but would only produce low quality images instead of the original quality of the image that was taken.

However, you can also opt to do things yourself by just using a scanner. It would be best to use a scanner that was specifically designed to do the task. This way, more quality images will be produced and less editing or enhancing is required.

It may seem daunting but to convert slides to digital images is actually an easy task. No large amounts of effort and time is demanded from the process. It would also be best to look into photography magazines and books to find out about other ways in which you can store and edit all your media.

convert slides to digital

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