My Photography Book

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Learn Batch Processing with Adobe Photoshop

By David Peters

For those of you who don't already know, Photoshop has these nifty little features called Actions. Now, these actions can be used for many things, including the creation of beautiful and eye catching effects, maximizing your productivity, or simply to carry out the tedious and mundane tasks that you just doesn't feel like doing.

I only just discovered the wonder of Batch Processing. I'm dedicated and detail oriented, but sitting in front of the computer adjusting the Hue/Saturation for the countless number of photos taken at my son's first birthday was simply out of the question. I did find a more than happy solution in Batch Processing.

When creating an action, you need it to produce the same one result. Let's imagine an example of changing the Hue/Saturation in 100+ photos from bright red to a rose tone. You might need an action to serve another purpose, but let's stick to this Hue/Saturation idea for this tutorial. Now pick a small image such as an icon and we'll continue.

Next go to Windows - Actions, making sure it is checked. If checked, you should see a tab in the Layers Palette appropriately labeled Actions.

Click on the arrow button to open the Actions menu and go to "new Set." This will create a folder for your action (you don't really need the folder, it just helps with organization.)

Return to the Actions menu and choose "New Action." Before you begin to record an action you need to decide the steps you'll need to take and the order in which you'll need to take them. This is a pretty simple action and soon you will be able to do this is your sleep.

Now for the recording part. There will be a small circle icon between the square and the triangle at the bottom of the palette that you will need to click. Now Photoshop will record everything you do until the end of the Action. If you have an error, simply stop the Action by pushing the square icon and go back to your last step taken.

For my action, the first thing I need to do is change the Mode of the image to RGB, since .gif files are saved in Index mode which don't take too kindly to colorization. So with the action recording, go to Image - Mode - RGB. Now take a look at your Actions palette, it should look like this:

Next, we'll have to strip the image of it's current color to make adding our (my) own color easier to apply, so go to Image - Adjustment - Desaturate.

There will be a naked grey image left to which we need to add some color. While still recording your action, go to Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation. I keep the rose color settings saved in a .ahu (Hue/Saturation) file already so all I have to do is press Load and select Rose.ahu, but you can achieve this color by using the sliders.

Finally, we save it for the web. Check that your action is still recording and go to File - Save For the Web and set your file type and optimization settings. I use the customary GIF settings. Choose the destination directory and save.

Stop recording and say "Yay, I made an action!" because you're finished. Now to put your newly born action into... ahem... action, we'll do a Batch Process. What this will do is take all the images in a specified directory and apply whatever changes were recorded in the action. Just for the sake of the tutorial, create a directory and drop some images into it, or just duplicate one that you already have.

Begin by going to File -Automate - Batch and make sure the name of the Action Set you just made is in the first dropdown list and the name of the Action is in the second. Set the third dropdown box (next to Source) to Folder and use the Choose button to find your duplicated or created folder of images. For destination, you can leave it set to it's default "None" to have the action applied and saved in the source folder, or save the "actionized" images into a separate folder. Click OK once you have everything set to your liking..

The hard part of the job is now done for you! All that is left is to relax and watch your pictures color themselves thanks to Actions and Batch Processing.

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